Until recently, most of us will have only heard of ascension for beings such as Jesus or the Buddha. But the world has changed and this is now something that we will all achieve in this lifetime.
The process of Ascension is about rising to a higher state of being. We do this by letting go of energy that holds us back, whether it is thoughts, fears, emotions. It is a purification process that enables us to become the highest version of ourselves. As this happens, our energetic vibration increases.
Many souls have ascended over the past thousands of years. This is often described as the body transforming into pure energy and the soul being released in a burst of incredible light. A lot of these beings then went on to fulfil important roles within the higher realms, we know them now as Ascended Masters.
Our individual Ascension Process will be different this time though, as we will ascend still within our physical bodies so that we can remain on this planet and create a new and better civilisation.
December 21st 2012 was highlighted by many cultures as the end of the world. And in many ways, it was. It was the end of the world as we knew it, and the beginning of a new one. On this date, our planet itself began an Ascension Process.
Much like us, our planet is alive and holds onto energies. On this date, it began to raise its vibration and release these lower energies. As it does, every living thing on this planet began the same process. This process is due to continue until 2032, at which point our life on our planet will have completely changed from what it once was.
We see evidence of this in the news every day. Although things might seem bad out there, the reality is that everything that is happening now has been happening for a very long time and we are simply witnessing a process of it all being brought to the surface so that change can occur.
When our own personal Ascension was triggered, our bodies began to change along with it. Since this time, you may have experienced many “Ascension Symptoms”, some common examples of these are:
- Headaches.
- Feeling ungrounded
- Thirst/hunger or a sudden urge to change or clean up your diet.
- Oversensitivity to other people’s energy including noise and busy environments.
- A need for peace, quiet and solitude.
- An urge to change your personal circumstances for the better.
- Sudden contact from higher beings or hearing voices/seeing colours.
- Anything that grabs your attention as ‘unusual’ or out of the ordinary.
Dealing with these changes to our world can be challenging but never fear, because there are things you can do to help.
Learning about you and your energetic systems, being consciously aware of the changes and actively working to raise your energy, can transform your life.
This is why we created the Ascension Toolkit. It is for anyone who wants to learn more about this process, about themselves and the world around them. It will teach you everything you need to know to take control of your energetic selves.
The Ascension Toolkit has been built based on years of experience of living and teaching about spirituality. It includes everything that you need to know about you and your energetic systems in order to become a master.
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