Many of us will have been taught growing up that we are just a physical being. Two arms, two legs, a head and torso is all we are.
As we begin to “wake up”, we soon realise that there is so much more to us than that. Around our physical bodies are many other energetic fields which play a crucial role in our overall well being.
There are 4 primary fields that we can think of in this way:
- Physical Body – This is the you that you are familiar with already, the flesh and blood body that acts as the vehicle for your soul
- Mental Body – A body of energy that is formed by your mental processes. It exists around the outside of the physical head. It can often contain programs that are formed by repetition and can either be aligned with the Higher or Lower Self.
- Emotional Body – This energetic field surrounds our whole body. It contains the recorded experiences of our human journey. Happy, sad, fearful, ecstatic…the emotional body forms according to our perception of the world around us.
- Spiritual Body – A vast body of energy that surrounds the physical body for anything up to fifteen miles. This was previously known as the ‘aura’.
As well as these fields, we also have a vast number of chakras. These are vortexes of energy within the body. Each chakra contains different attributes and performs different roles depending on where it is located within the body. Although there are countless chakras, there are 15 primary ones (yes, 15, not 7) that are important to work with. These are:
- The Solar Junction Chakra
- The Stella Gateway Chakra
- The Soul Star Chakra
- The Causal Chakra
- The Crown Chakra
- The Third Eye Chakra
- The Alta Major Chakra
- The Throat Chakra
- The Thymus (Higher Heart) Chakra
- The Heart Chakra
- The Solar Plexus Chakra
- The Navel Chakra
- The Sacral Chakra
- The Base Chakra
- The Earth Star Chakra
These fields contain a huge amount of information about us, our past, our ancestors and even our environment. Just like if we go for a walk in the woods and get dirt on our physical bodies, our energetic fields and chakras can easily “get dirty” too, just by interacting with the world around us.
Through working with these fields on a daily basis, we can purify them to remove some of the following:
- Energies picked up from others that do not belong to us
- Fears and trauma from this life, or past lives
- Things that are holding us back from reaching our highest potential
- …and so much more
This can also lead to feeling more complete, it can give us more energy and can make it easier to interact with the world around us.
The Ascension Toolkit contains a wealth of information and powerful meditations to help you purify your energetic fields and step forward on your path.
The Ascension Toolkit has been built based on years of experience of living and teaching about spirituality. It includes everything that you need to know about you and your energetic systems in order to become a master.
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